
Eleven Hints for Life

1 . It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find courage to let that person know what you feel .

2 . A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you , only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go .

3 . The best kind of friends the kind you can sit on a porch swing with , never say a word , and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had .

4 . It's true that we dont know what we've got until we lose it , but it's also true that we dont know what we've been missing until it arrives .

5 . It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone , an hour to like someone and a day to love but it takes a lifetime to forget someone . 

6 . Dont't go for looks , they can deceive. Dont go for wealth, even that fades away . Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright . 

7 . Dream what you want to dream , go where you want to go , be what you want to be . Because you only have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want . 

8 . Always put yourself in the other's shoes . If you feel that it hurts you , it probably hurts the person too.

9 . A careless word may kindle strife . A cruel word may wreck a life . A timely word may level stress . But a loving word may heal and bless .

10 . The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way . 

11 . Love begins with a smile , grows with a kiss , end with a tears. when you were born , you were crying and everyone around you was smiling . Live your life so that when you die , you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying . 

i love them so much !!!

girls , sori aku upload kat sini gambar kita . lau aku upload kat facebook , mesti da lapuk kan . haha . sorilah lambat sikit upload ni gambar . masalah teknilal sikit . haha . teknikal lah sangat ~

study week sepatutnya aku duk diam-diam ja kat hostel kan . haha . tapi siapa tahan oo duk diam ja kat hostel . bagus aku gunakan peluang ni balik rumah . hihi . sudah lah aku memang homesick gila . sampai kat dalam bas on the way pergi kakak , mau ja aku peluk tu mak cik sebab ingat kat mama aku . huhu . tu lah aku balik sekejap pergi rumah .

5 hari ja aku balik , then aku balik pergi kk lagi . huhu . bawa buku banyak-banyak ni pergi ld tapi sedikit ja yang aku study . aku habis kan masa keluar sama family aku , soulmate aku dan member aku .

my bgi brooo 

ABC speacial 

they are my soulmate . i do love them so damn much . i hope our frendship will last forever <3


assalamualaikum to all readers .

wah , bekurun lamanya tak update ni blog , harap maklum ya , sibuk . heee . pejam celik pejam celik da bulan 3 kan . times turn too fast now . sekejap saja lagi aku akan habis sem 1 . wah , cepat nya .

final exam ? am i ready ? hoho . bisuk bersamaan 12.03.2012 aku akan menduduki paper exam aku yang pertama iaitu BEL120 [ english paper ] ohmy , mesti aku gugup gila bisuk di dewan exam . sedangkan tuari ambil test akaun saja da menggeletar tangan aku , huh , biusk lagilah . apa-apa pun wish me luck ya . doa kamu amat aku perlukan terutama doa dari parents aku .

1 bulan ni aku akan menghadapi peperiksaan akhir untuk sem 1 ni . paper exam aku ada 5 saja . 12, 13, 16, 25 & 31 . tu saja . sementara tunggu paper , aku boleh lagi study . DEKAN ? wah , siuknya lau dapat anugerah DEKAN . aku berharap sangat dapat . i wanna make my parents proud of me . INSYALLAH . practice make perfect right . it is not impossibble for me .

apa-apa pun solat tak boleh tinggal , doa selalu . insyallah aku boleh . doakan ak ya


see that picture ? that's not me . she is my sister . wanna wish you 
semoga kau panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu 
15 tahun sudah kau kan 
ohmy , masih muda lagi bha 
banyak lagi yang akan kau tempuhi dalam hidup mu 
hadiah ? 
nantilah aku belikan disini ya , tengoklah bila aku balik 
study bagus-bagus 
this year you will facing PMR examination 
so , study study and study 
go for a good result and make our parents proud 

ok sudah lah , tak mau panjang-panjang 
nanti kau kembang pula . haha . joke 
ily sista !



hello peeps ! muka da sunburn lorh . aigoo ~ tak pa lah . yang penting , yesterday was a great day for me . kami ada aktiviti FAMILY DAY kemarin di tanjung aru . fikir-fikir malas mau pergi sebab dari pagi hingga petang , tapi harus tetap pergi sebab sudah dibayar . lagipun ada markah KI di ambil .

but , that day was so so great for me . banyak aktiviti yang dijalankan dan aku ikut semua tu aktivit . aktivitinya seperti guna straw ambil getah , tarik tali , ambil biskut dalam tepung dan lompat sambil bawa belon . haha . punyalah siuk . tapi effectnya bila sampai bilik , punyalah best juga . haha . so tired . muka pun suda blushing-blushing da . SUNBURN gylak . terutama di hidung aku . haha . who cares . yang penting enjoy .

abang dan kakak senior pun sporting juga semua . semua enjoy dan peramah . memang tak dapat kenal semua sebab banyak orang kan . tapi gembira juga dapat kenal yang lain-lain . wanaa see my picture there ? just stay on my page . dont press the X button okay . heee

here's the picture :D

ready to go there :d

at UITM bus

sampai ja sana , snap dulu dekat pantai

beautiful right ?

tag nama kami sepanjang program ini 

see that angry bird ? cute kan . blue color for the part 1


classmate - AC1101A4

muka-muka penat lepas tarik tali . hihi

1 kali ja menang tarik tali . haha . punya aku semangat . maka aku lah paling slim sini . haha

finish ! heee . have a great time with them there . got new friends and experience